322 members

This group is for anyone interested in React Native, the Javascript framework that is taking over mobile development.

Whether you're a veteran RN developer or just interested in this awesome technology, join us to learn and share your own experiences.

You can watch the previous talks here -> https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8xuokhAnn4pBuGuJ4fjjGUQfqnZlOLNW

We aim to meet once a month and we're looking for new speakers, so don't hesitate to submit a talk through this Typeform -> https://reactnativelondon.typeform.com/to/hoACxp (Submit talks here)

Built a cool app using React-Native for your fun or as a commercial product? Come show it to the community to get exposure and feedback! Submit your Community App here -> https://reactnative.typeform.com/to/Qzn95n

The React Native London meetup is brought to you by Theodo -> https://www.theodo.co.uk/

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