My name is Nicolas and I live in MontrĂ©al, Canada đ
I'm a Freelance Web Developer specializing in legacy codebases.
I'm really into community events đ» and I organize the Software Crafters, React, and TypeScript meetups in MontrĂ©al. I'm also the organizer of The Legacy of SoCraTes conferences. I give talks too!
I share tips to deal with Legacy Code on my blog Understand Legacy Code. I even published a book to share my best techniques: Legacy Code: First Aid Kit â
I'm the author of Abracadabra, a VS Code extension for intuitive JS/TS refactorings đź
The best way to reach me is through Twitter:Â @nicoespeon
đ„ Discuss:Â
đŹđ§ If you work or want to learn React or React Native, this group is for you!
We meet every month to discuss progress with React, cool tools, features, and libraries. Our focus is on helping the Montreal React community grow, providing each other with input and advice, and sharing our latest findings.
đ«đ· Si tu travailles avec React ou React Native, ou que tu souhaites apprendre, ce groupe est pour toi!
On se rencontre chaque mois pour discuter le progrÚs de React, de nouveaux outils, fonctionnalités et librairies. Notre but est d'aider à agrandir la communauté React de Montréal, et de s'entraider en partageant nos derniÚres trouvailles et en collaborant pour régler nos problÚmes quotidiens.
Discuss: (channel #loc_montréal)
Past meetups notes:
This group is for any developer, whoever you are, and whatever language or technology you're familiar with.
Join us if you are interested in testing, DDD, software architecture, clean code, refactoring, challenges of working with legacy code, pairing/mobbing, etc.
As Software Crafters, we improve professional software development skills through practice and helping others learn the know-how.
We do appreciate the following:
Not only working software, but also well-crafted software.
Not only responding to change, but also steadily adding value.
Not only individuals and interactions, but also a community of professionals.
Not only customer collaboration, but also productive partnerships.
Looking for the left parts, we found that we needed the right parts.
The Manifesto for Software Craftsmanship:Â
Code of Conduct
Our meetup is a harassment-free place for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity, and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion (or lack thereof), or technology choices. We do not tolerate harassment of participants in any form. Sexual language and imagery are not appropriate at any time, including talks, workshops, parties, Twitter, and other online media. Participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the meetup at the discretion of the organizers.
Detailed version:Â
Rejoignez-nous sur Slack : (canal #loc_québec)
Ce groupe s'adresse Ă tous les dĂ©veloppeurs, peu importe qui vous ĂȘtes et la langue ou la technologie avec laquelle vous ĂȘtes familier.
Rejoignez-nous pour discuter et explorer des sujets tels que le software craftsmanship, l'extreme programming, l'architecture logicielle, le pair programming, les design patterns, le TDD, le BDD, le DDD, la livraison continue, le clean code, le code hérité, la refonte, les katas et de nombreux autres sujets.
Nous sommes un groupe passionné de professionnels du logiciel dédiés à perfectionner nos compétences grùce au partage des connaissances, à l'apprentissage de stratégies et à l'application pratique. Venez faire partie de notre communauté axée sur la création de logiciels de haute qualité grùce à la collaboration et à l'expertise.
Code de conduite
Notre Meetup est un espace exempt de harcĂšlement pour tous, indĂ©pendamment du genre, de l'identitĂ© de genre et de l'expression, de l'Ăąge, de l'orientation sexuelle, du handicap, de l'apparence physique, de la taille du corps, de la race, de l'origine ethnique, de la religion (ou de l'absence de celle-ci) ou des choix technologiques. Nous ne tolĂ©rons aucun harcĂšlement sous quelque forme que ce soit envers les participants. Le langage et les images Ă caractĂšre sexuel ne sont pas appropriĂ©s Ă tout moment, y compris lors des prĂ©sentations, des ateliers, des fĂȘtes, sur Twitter et sur d'autres mĂ©dias en ligne. Les participants enfreignant ces rĂšgles peuvent faire l'objet de sanctions ou ĂȘtre exclus du Meetup Ă la discrĂ©tion des organisateurs.
Version détaillée :
Join us on Slack: (channel #loc_québec)
This group is for any developer, whoever you are, and whatever language or technology you're familiar with.
Join us to discuss and explore topics such as Software Craftsmanship, Extreme Programming, Software Architecture, Pair/Ensemble, Design Patterns, TDD, BDD, DDD Continuous Delivery, Clean Code, Legacy Code, Refactoring, Code Katas and many other subjects.
We are a passionate group of software professionals dedicated to honing our skills through knowledge sharing, learning strategies, and practical application. Come and join our community focused on creating high-quality software through collaboration and expertise.
Code of Conduct
Our meetup is a harassment-free place for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity, expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion (or lack thereof), or technology choices. We do not tolerate harassment of participants in any form. Sexual language and imagery are not appropriate at any time, including talks, workshops, parties, Twitter, and other online media. Participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the meetup at the organizers' discretion.
Detailed version:
The React.NYC Meetup is a group for React, React Native and JavaScript developers in NYC. We meet at least once in a quarter (or more often if have venues proposed) to listen to 3-4 presentations, share, learn, connect with other engineers, and have fun!
Summit your talk proposals via this form (5 to 30 min)Â
If your company can host our next event or you have questions, reach us
Meetup currently run with support of React Summit US and useReactNYC
Follow us on twitter
Watch pervious recordings at
We expect all speakers and attendees to follow our Code of Conduct
My name is Nicolas and I live in MontrĂ©al, Canada đ
I'm a Freelance Web Developer specializing in legacy codebases.
I'm really into community events đ» and I organize the Software Crafters, React, and TypeScript meetups in MontrĂ©al. I'm also the organizer of The Legacy of SoCraTes conferences. I give talks too!
I share tips to deal with Legacy Code on my blog Understand Legacy Code. I even published a book to share my best techniques: Legacy Code: First Aid Kit â
I'm the author of Abracadabra, a VS Code extension for intuitive JS/TS refactorings đź
The best way to reach me is through Twitter:Â @nicoespeon
đ„ Discuss:Â
đŹđ§ If you work or want to learn React or React Native, this group is for you!
We meet every month to discuss progress with React, cool tools, features, and libraries. Our focus is on helping the Montreal React community grow, providing each other with input and advice, and sharing our latest findings.
đ«đ· Si tu travailles avec React ou React Native, ou que tu souhaites apprendre, ce groupe est pour toi!
On se rencontre chaque mois pour discuter le progrÚs de React, de nouveaux outils, fonctionnalités et librairies. Notre but est d'aider à agrandir la communauté React de Montréal, et de s'entraider en partageant nos derniÚres trouvailles et en collaborant pour régler nos problÚmes quotidiens.
Discuss: (channel #loc_montréal)
Past meetups notes:
This group is for any developer, whoever you are, and whatever language or technology you're familiar with.
Join us if you are interested in testing, DDD, software architecture, clean code, refactoring, challenges of working with legacy code, pairing/mobbing, etc.
As Software Crafters, we improve professional software development skills through practice and helping others learn the know-how.
We do appreciate the following:
Not only working software, but also well-crafted software.
Not only responding to change, but also steadily adding value.
Not only individuals and interactions, but also a community of professionals.
Not only customer collaboration, but also productive partnerships.
Looking for the left parts, we found that we needed the right parts.
The Manifesto for Software Craftsmanship:Â
Code of Conduct
Our meetup is a harassment-free place for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity, and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion (or lack thereof), or technology choices. We do not tolerate harassment of participants in any form. Sexual language and imagery are not appropriate at any time, including talks, workshops, parties, Twitter, and other online media. Participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the meetup at the discretion of the organizers.
Detailed version:Â
Rejoignez-nous sur Slack : (canal #loc_québec)
Ce groupe s'adresse Ă tous les dĂ©veloppeurs, peu importe qui vous ĂȘtes et la langue ou la technologie avec laquelle vous ĂȘtes familier.
Rejoignez-nous pour discuter et explorer des sujets tels que le software craftsmanship, l'extreme programming, l'architecture logicielle, le pair programming, les design patterns, le TDD, le BDD, le DDD, la livraison continue, le clean code, le code hérité, la refonte, les katas et de nombreux autres sujets.
Nous sommes un groupe passionné de professionnels du logiciel dédiés à perfectionner nos compétences grùce au partage des connaissances, à l'apprentissage de stratégies et à l'application pratique. Venez faire partie de notre communauté axée sur la création de logiciels de haute qualité grùce à la collaboration et à l'expertise.
Code de conduite
Notre Meetup est un espace exempt de harcĂšlement pour tous, indĂ©pendamment du genre, de l'identitĂ© de genre et de l'expression, de l'Ăąge, de l'orientation sexuelle, du handicap, de l'apparence physique, de la taille du corps, de la race, de l'origine ethnique, de la religion (ou de l'absence de celle-ci) ou des choix technologiques. Nous ne tolĂ©rons aucun harcĂšlement sous quelque forme que ce soit envers les participants. Le langage et les images Ă caractĂšre sexuel ne sont pas appropriĂ©s Ă tout moment, y compris lors des prĂ©sentations, des ateliers, des fĂȘtes, sur Twitter et sur d'autres mĂ©dias en ligne. Les participants enfreignant ces rĂšgles peuvent faire l'objet de sanctions ou ĂȘtre exclus du Meetup Ă la discrĂ©tion des organisateurs.
Version détaillée :
Join us on Slack: (channel #loc_québec)
This group is for any developer, whoever you are, and whatever language or technology you're familiar with.
Join us to discuss and explore topics such as Software Craftsmanship, Extreme Programming, Software Architecture, Pair/Ensemble, Design Patterns, TDD, BDD, DDD Continuous Delivery, Clean Code, Legacy Code, Refactoring, Code Katas and many other subjects.
We are a passionate group of software professionals dedicated to honing our skills through knowledge sharing, learning strategies, and practical application. Come and join our community focused on creating high-quality software through collaboration and expertise.
Code of Conduct
Our meetup is a harassment-free place for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity, expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion (or lack thereof), or technology choices. We do not tolerate harassment of participants in any form. Sexual language and imagery are not appropriate at any time, including talks, workshops, parties, Twitter, and other online media. Participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the meetup at the organizers' discretion.
Detailed version:
The React.NYC Meetup is a group for React, React Native and JavaScript developers in NYC. We meet at least once in a quarter (or more often if have venues proposed) to listen to 3-4 presentations, share, learn, connect with other engineers, and have fun!
Summit your talk proposals via this form (5 to 30 min)Â
If your company can host our next event or you have questions, reach us
Meetup currently run with support of React Summit US and useReactNYC
Follow us on twitter
Watch pervious recordings at
We expect all speakers and attendees to follow our Code of Conduct
Get in touch!