Cover Photo for GraphQL SF Meetup: September Edition

GraphQL SF Meetup: September Edition

Primary Photo for GraphQL SF

Hosted by

GraphQL SF


Address available to attendees

We missed you this time around!

This is the first of an ongoing new series of meetups for the GraphQL community in the San Francisco Bay Area organized with and supported by the GraphQL Foundation. There is still time to sign up for GraphQLConf which is taking place at the same location as this meetup on September 19-21 in Burlingame. You will get a 20% discount when registering for GraphQLConf here with code:


In addition to the tacos and the open bar, we have technical talks planned for you covering federated APIs at scale, Rust powered API development, using GraphQL with Relay, Rapid Prototyping with Graphs, and the Indexing Protocol for Web3 Data. This event was made possible by the generous support of StellateThe GuildHasuraNeo4J, and The Graph Foundation.

Finally, a special thanks goes out to Atlassian for their initial involvement in organizing most of these talks and offering to hold the event at their office in San Francisco on Tuesday, September 12th.

5:00-5:20pm Networking, food, and drinks
5:20-5:35pm Welcome message from the sponsors
5:35-5:50pm Indestructible federated APIs at scale with caching - Max Stoiber - Stellate
5:50-6:05pm Rust Powered Fullstack GraphQL - Yassin Eldeeb - The Guild
6:05-6:25pm Networking, food last call, and drinks last call
6:25-6:40pm GraphQL without Relay is not worth it - Shahidh K Muhammed - Hasura
6:40-6:55pm Rapid Prototyping with Graphs & Neo4j - William Lyon - Neo4J
6:55-7:10pm Introducing The Graph: The Indexing Protocol for Web3 Data - Pedro Diogo - The Graph Foundation
7:10-7:30pm Networking
7:30pm That's all folks!


Yassin Eldeeb

Rust Powered Fullstack GraphQL: From Actix-Web & Juniper Server to WASM Yew Client

Rust's ecosystem is known for its speed, efficiency, and type-safety. In this hands-on workshop we'll start by setting up a high-performance GraphQL server, all the way to a WASM-powered frontend client. We'll see how the various components interact seamlessly, and understand how Rust provides an edge with its efficiency. We'll add an exciting twist - a face-off between our Rust full-stack app and a traditional JS app, using compelling benchmarks, to see if the juice is worth the squeeze. Are you ready to explore the robustness of Rust in full-stack GraphQL applications? Join me in this exciting journey!

Shahidh K Muhammed

GraphQL without Relay is not worth it

GraphQL has helped the industry realize the benefit of having typed APIs. But does that mean that if we switch over to a typed API like gRPC or OpenAPI then GraphQL is overkill? In this session, I want to discuss how GraphQL with Relay is critical to UI development and GraphQL without Relay leads us to reinventing the wheel on state management and API libraries again and again. And also as a corollary, how using GraphQL without Relay might not really be worth it!

William Lyon

Rapid Prototyping With Graphs & Neo4j

Modeling, storing, and querying application data as a graph can help developers quickly get projects up and running by working with data the same way that we think about our domain: as a graph. In this talk we will explore how to apply this graph thinking technique to building GraphQL APIs using the Neo4j GraphQL Library and how we can leverage developer tools to go from idea to backend with nothing but graphs and GraphQL.

Pedro Diogo

Introducing The Graph: The Indexing Protocol for Web3 Data

Pedro Diogo, Senior Technical Program Manager at The Graph Foundation, will go over The Graph's role as the indexing protocol in the web3 ecosystem. Pedro will cover how developers and data consumers are leveraging GraphQL to access open and public blockchain data. Pedro works closely with core developers of the protocol and technical ecosystem grantees helping build The Graph protocol.

GraphQL SF Meetup: September Edition

Primary Photo for GraphQL SF

Hosted by

GraphQL SF


Address available to attendees

This is the first of an ongoing new series of meetups for the GraphQL community in the San Francisco Bay Area organized with and supported by the GraphQL Foundation. There is still time to sign up for GraphQLConf which is taking place at the same location as this meetup on September 19-21 in Burlingame. You will get a 20% discount when registering for GraphQLConf here with code:


In addition to the tacos and the open bar, we have technical talks planned for you covering federated APIs at scale, Rust powered API development, using GraphQL with Relay, Rapid Prototyping with Graphs, and the Indexing Protocol for Web3 Data. This event was made possible by the generous support of StellateThe GuildHasuraNeo4J, and The Graph Foundation.

Finally, a special thanks goes out to Atlassian for their initial involvement in organizing most of these talks and offering to hold the event at their office in San Francisco on Tuesday, September 12th.

5:00-5:20pm Networking, food, and drinks
5:20-5:35pm Welcome message from the sponsors
5:35-5:50pm Indestructible federated APIs at scale with caching - Max Stoiber - Stellate
5:50-6:05pm Rust Powered Fullstack GraphQL - Yassin Eldeeb - The Guild
6:05-6:25pm Networking, food last call, and drinks last call
6:25-6:40pm GraphQL without Relay is not worth it - Shahidh K Muhammed - Hasura
6:40-6:55pm Rapid Prototyping with Graphs & Neo4j - William Lyon - Neo4J
6:55-7:10pm Introducing The Graph: The Indexing Protocol for Web3 Data - Pedro Diogo - The Graph Foundation
7:10-7:30pm Networking
7:30pm That's all folks!


Yassin Eldeeb

Rust Powered Fullstack GraphQL: From Actix-Web & Juniper Server to WASM Yew Client

Rust's ecosystem is known for its speed, efficiency, and type-safety. In this hands-on workshop we'll start by setting up a high-performance GraphQL server, all the way to a WASM-powered frontend client. We'll see how the various components interact seamlessly, and understand how Rust provides an edge with its efficiency. We'll add an exciting twist - a face-off between our Rust full-stack app and a traditional JS app, using compelling benchmarks, to see if the juice is worth the squeeze. Are you ready to explore the robustness of Rust in full-stack GraphQL applications? Join me in this exciting journey!

Shahidh K Muhammed

GraphQL without Relay is not worth it

GraphQL has helped the industry realize the benefit of having typed APIs. But does that mean that if we switch over to a typed API like gRPC or OpenAPI then GraphQL is overkill? In this session, I want to discuss how GraphQL with Relay is critical to UI development and GraphQL without Relay leads us to reinventing the wheel on state management and API libraries again and again. And also as a corollary, how using GraphQL without Relay might not really be worth it!

William Lyon

Rapid Prototyping With Graphs & Neo4j

Modeling, storing, and querying application data as a graph can help developers quickly get projects up and running by working with data the same way that we think about our domain: as a graph. In this talk we will explore how to apply this graph thinking technique to building GraphQL APIs using the Neo4j GraphQL Library and how we can leverage developer tools to go from idea to backend with nothing but graphs and GraphQL.

Pedro Diogo

Introducing The Graph: The Indexing Protocol for Web3 Data

Pedro Diogo, Senior Technical Program Manager at The Graph Foundation, will go over The Graph's role as the indexing protocol in the web3 ecosystem. Pedro will cover how developers and data consumers are leveraging GraphQL to access open and public blockchain data. Pedro works closely with core developers of the protocol and technical ecosystem grantees helping build The Graph protocol.


Get in touch!