This group is for anyone interested in React Native, the Javascript framework that is taking over mobile development.
Whether you're a veteran RN developer or just interested in this awesome technology, join us to learn and share your own experiences.
You can watch the previous talks here ->
We aim to meet once a month and we're looking for new speakers, so don't hesitate to submit a talk through this Typeform -> (Submit talks here)
Built a cool app using React-Native for your fun or as a commercial product? Come show it to the community to get exposure and feedback! Submit your Community App here ->
The React Native London meetup is brought to you by Theodo ->
Couldn't find what you're looking for?
Host an event to share your passion! 💖
This group is for anyone interested in React Native, the Javascript framework that is taking over mobile development.
Whether you're a veteran RN developer or just interested in this awesome technology, join us to learn and share your own experiences.
You can watch the previous talks here ->
We aim to meet once a month and we're looking for new speakers, so don't hesitate to submit a talk through this Typeform -> (Submit talks here)
Built a cool app using React-Native for your fun or as a commercial product? Come show it to the community to get exposure and feedback! Submit your Community App here ->
The React Native London meetup is brought to you by Theodo ->
Couldn't find what you're looking for?
Host an event to share your passion! 💖
Get in touch!