Hosted by
Civic Tech Montreal
Wednesday, February 5th
5:30PM to 7:30PM EST
Address available to attendees
We missed you this time around!
Nous travaillons ensemble pour faire progresser la technologie civile à Montréal, Québec. Nos initiatives combinent l'activisme, la technologie et l'engagement communautaire local.
Montréal a une riche histoire de technologie civile et de développement communautaire. Nous désirons créer un espace où les gens peuvent se réunir pour discuter, collaborer et agir sur les défis locaux.
Qui devrait venir? Que vous soyez nouveau dans la technologie civile ou un praticien avec beaucoup d'experience, vous êtes les bienvenus ! Nous accueillons tous les profils—données, informatique, produit, design, et plus encore. Des étudiants ansi que des professionnels chevronnés, c'est un espace pour apprendre et grandir ensemble en tant que communauté.
À quoi s'attendre? Nos soirées comprennent généralement des mises à jour de projets, des présentations éclair des membres de la communauté et du temps dédié à la collaboration appliquée.
Nous encourageons les participants à apporter leurs propres projets ou à rejoindre des initiatives existantes. Nous accueillerons également des conférenciers et des praticiens de la technologie civile de Montréal et du Canada.
We are working together to advance civic tech in Montreal, Quebec. These initiatives combine activism, technology, and local community engagement.
Montreal has a rich history of civic tech and community building. We're creating a space where people can come together to talk, build, and act on local challenges.
Who should come: Whether you're new to civic tech or an experienced practitioner, you're welcome to join us! We welcome all backgrounds—data, code, product, design, and more. From students to seasoned professionals, this is a space to learn and grow together as a community.
What to expect: Our hack nights typically include project updates, lightning talks from community members, and dedicated time for hands-on collaboration. We encourage participants to bring their own projects or join existing initiatives. We'll also host civic tech speakers and practitioners from across Montreal and Canada.
Location and schedule: Details for each meetup will be shared with registered participants. We aim to create an accessible and welcoming environment for everyone.
Come ready to share ideas, learn from others, and contribute to meaningful civic projects that can make a difference in Montreal!
Platform Sponsors
Torc is a community-first platform bringing together remote-first software engineer and developer opportunities from across the globe. Join a network that’s all about connection, collaboration, and finding your next big move — together.
Join our community today!
Don't let broken lines of code, busted API calls, and crashes ruin you app. Join the 4M developers and 90K organizations who consider Sentry “not bad” when it comes to application monitoring. Use code “guild” for 3 free months of the team plan.
We missed you this time around!
Platform Sponsors
Torc is a community-first platform bringing together remote-first software engineer and developer opportunities from across the globe. Join a network that’s all about connection, collaboration, and finding your next big move — together.
Join our community today!
Don't let broken lines of code, busted API calls, and crashes ruin you app. Join the 4M developers and 90K organizations who consider Sentry “not bad” when it comes to application monitoring. Use code “guild” for 3 free months of the team plan.
Hosted by
Civic Tech Montreal
Wednesday, February 5th
5:30PM to 7:30PM EST
Address available to attendees
Nous travaillons ensemble pour faire progresser la technologie civile à Montréal, Québec. Nos initiatives combinent l'activisme, la technologie et l'engagement communautaire local.
Montréal a une riche histoire de technologie civile et de développement communautaire. Nous désirons créer un espace où les gens peuvent se réunir pour discuter, collaborer et agir sur les défis locaux.
Qui devrait venir? Que vous soyez nouveau dans la technologie civile ou un praticien avec beaucoup d'experience, vous êtes les bienvenus ! Nous accueillons tous les profils—données, informatique, produit, design, et plus encore. Des étudiants ansi que des professionnels chevronnés, c'est un espace pour apprendre et grandir ensemble en tant que communauté.
À quoi s'attendre? Nos soirées comprennent généralement des mises à jour de projets, des présentations éclair des membres de la communauté et du temps dédié à la collaboration appliquée.
Nous encourageons les participants à apporter leurs propres projets ou à rejoindre des initiatives existantes. Nous accueillerons également des conférenciers et des praticiens de la technologie civile de Montréal et du Canada.
We are working together to advance civic tech in Montreal, Quebec. These initiatives combine activism, technology, and local community engagement.
Montreal has a rich history of civic tech and community building. We're creating a space where people can come together to talk, build, and act on local challenges.
Who should come: Whether you're new to civic tech or an experienced practitioner, you're welcome to join us! We welcome all backgrounds—data, code, product, design, and more. From students to seasoned professionals, this is a space to learn and grow together as a community.
What to expect: Our hack nights typically include project updates, lightning talks from community members, and dedicated time for hands-on collaboration. We encourage participants to bring their own projects or join existing initiatives. We'll also host civic tech speakers and practitioners from across Montreal and Canada.
Location and schedule: Details for each meetup will be shared with registered participants. We aim to create an accessible and welcoming environment for everyone.
Come ready to share ideas, learn from others, and contribute to meaningful civic projects that can make a difference in Montreal!
Get in touch!