When building interactive features on a webpage, JavaScript is usually the way to go. However, with great JavaScript dependencies comes great website instability. Even a minor undefined element can cause your entire webpage to crash. That’s where going back to the basics comes in. Thanks to modern Web APIs, it’s now possible to reduce JavaScript dependency on a website by swapping out JS components for their native HTML element or CSS feature counterparts. In this talk, we’ll take a look at how to use HTML and CSS to build simpler alternatives to popular JavaScript components such as accordions, modals, scroll transitions, carousels etc We’ll also take a look at the performance and accessibility benefits and real-life applications and use-cases of these components.
Javascript evolution has sped up (a lot) in recent years and event the most veterans developers find it hard to keep up with the latest trends. This meetup group aims to bring you monthly bite-sized updates on the world of Javascript along with a healthy dose of nice people, beer and pizza.
Please use your full name when registering, as some of our venues require a full list of attendees beforehand. You have an idea and you want to be a speaker?
We are always looking for more speakers - submit your talk here (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdFaatfveOUbrmer47jYb5J4J4ttxAFc1CgTjUDltBXmDOJmg/viewform)
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