In a web app, the enemy of performance isn't bad algorithms — it's bloat. From loading the least data and JavaScript to re-rendering the fewest components in response to changes in state, the most performant apps are the one that do the least. But it's often hard to maintain a small bundle while iterating on features.
Enter Isograph, the framework for building data-driven React apps. It leverages a compiler to provide great DevEx and performance, right out of the box.
In this talk, find out how Isograph lets you:
load component JavaScript and data only when needed, for example when the user is about to scroll to them
load components (such as a VideoViewer) only if an item of that type (a Video) is returned from the server, and
defer loading parts of your component tree, without server support.
And the cherry on top? We're doing it all in userland. 😎
But wait, there's more! We'll also show how Isograph re-renders the absolute minimum of components and garbage collects data that's no longer needed, allowing your app to stay consistently performant. So let's prove the old adage: less is more performant.
The React.NYC Meetup is a group for React, React Native and JavaScript developers in NYC. We meet at least once in a quarter (or more often if have venues proposed) to listen to 3-4 presentations, share, learn, connect with other engineers, and have fun!
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