Cover Photo for Writing Svelte with AI and Magical Incantations (Runes)

Writing Svelte with AI and Magical Incantations (Runes)

Svelte Society - Stockholm


Address available to attendees

We missed you this time around!

We're back!

Schibsted is hosting us and we're going to talk about some pretty exciting things!

Svelte is one of the most popular up-and-coming JavaScript frameworks, and the most loved frontend framework in a recent Stack Overflow developer survey.

With its unique compile-time approach and best-in-class performance, Svelte offers a streamlined and efficient development experience, eliminating the need for heavy virtual DOM.

In this meetup we will discuss some of the changes that are coming to Svelte 5 including the new reactivity system (aka. Runes). We will also deep dive into how AI can be used to write Svelte code.


AI Project - Mistral Kit

Introducing Runes

Svelte 5 Preview Documentation

Writing Svelte with AI and Magical Incantations (Runes)

Svelte Society - Stockholm


Address available to attendees

We're back!

Schibsted is hosting us and we're going to talk about some pretty exciting things!

Svelte is one of the most popular up-and-coming JavaScript frameworks, and the most loved frontend framework in a recent Stack Overflow developer survey.

With its unique compile-time approach and best-in-class performance, Svelte offers a streamlined and efficient development experience, eliminating the need for heavy virtual DOM.

In this meetup we will discuss some of the changes that are coming to Svelte 5 including the new reactivity system (aka. Runes). We will also deep dive into how AI can be used to write Svelte code.


AI Project - Mistral Kit

Introducing Runes

Svelte 5 Preview Documentation


Get in touch!