Cover Photo for BeJS #30 | Web Performance and DX : Important Takeaways

BeJS #30 | Web Performance and DX : Important Takeaways

Primary Photo for BeJS



Address available to attendees

We missed you this time around!

MEETUP #30 | BeJS ON TOUR : Lille - France

Big thanks to Front(end|&)Beers, our french partners and friends, who are happily hosting this meetup at hôpi , with the huge support of PLAYERS 🙏🏽

📆 Tuesday, September 26th, 2023

🕡 6.30 PM

📍75 Rue de l'Hôpital Militaire, 59800 - Lille, France



- 18:30 : Meet & Greet & 🍻🥪🥙

- 19.00 : Talk + Q&A + Chat + Networking & more 🍻🥪🥙

- 21.30 : Bye & see you next meetup...


As part of the Astro core team, Elian Van Cutsem works in the Developer Experience team. Specifically focussing on user experience, documentation and developer guidance. After work hours, he organises and attends meetups. Known for his passion, puns and innovative approach for delivering exceptional user experiences, Elian brings a unique blend of technical expertise and creativity to his talks. Guaranteed fun on stage.

More about Elian on Twitter , Website


Web performance is way more complicated these days than it used to be before. In this talk, we’ll take a look at tools that can help us optimise performance, accessibility and developer experience. Other than tools, we’ll dive deeper into frameworks and how they can be of help in optimising performance.

⚠️ Rules:

In order to provide you with the best experience possible, here are some rules to abide by so that everyone can enjoy the meetup :

  • This meetup has a limited attendee capacity.

  • In order to attend you have to RSVP

  • Members of the community who RSVP and then don't show up three times will be removed from the group. ( As we have limited capacity we would like to avoid people not being able to attend because others RSVPed YES and did not show up.

  • Ifyou're not coming anymore please RSVP NO so that people in the waiting list can attend.

  • Everyone is more than welcome to help, propose or share Ideas with the BeJS team. You can contact us on :

BeJS #30 | Web Performance and DX : Important Takeaways

Primary Photo for BeJS



Address available to attendees

MEETUP #30 | BeJS ON TOUR : Lille - France

Big thanks to Front(end|&)Beers, our french partners and friends, who are happily hosting this meetup at hôpi , with the huge support of PLAYERS 🙏🏽

📆 Tuesday, September 26th, 2023

🕡 6.30 PM

📍75 Rue de l'Hôpital Militaire, 59800 - Lille, France



- 18:30 : Meet & Greet & 🍻🥪🥙

- 19.00 : Talk + Q&A + Chat + Networking & more 🍻🥪🥙

- 21.30 : Bye & see you next meetup...


As part of the Astro core team, Elian Van Cutsem works in the Developer Experience team. Specifically focussing on user experience, documentation and developer guidance. After work hours, he organises and attends meetups. Known for his passion, puns and innovative approach for delivering exceptional user experiences, Elian brings a unique blend of technical expertise and creativity to his talks. Guaranteed fun on stage.

More about Elian on Twitter , Website


Web performance is way more complicated these days than it used to be before. In this talk, we’ll take a look at tools that can help us optimise performance, accessibility and developer experience. Other than tools, we’ll dive deeper into frameworks and how they can be of help in optimising performance.

⚠️ Rules:

In order to provide you with the best experience possible, here are some rules to abide by so that everyone can enjoy the meetup :

  • This meetup has a limited attendee capacity.

  • In order to attend you have to RSVP

  • Members of the community who RSVP and then don't show up three times will be removed from the group. ( As we have limited capacity we would like to avoid people not being able to attend because others RSVPed YES and did not show up.

  • Ifyou're not coming anymore please RSVP NO so that people in the waiting list can attend.

  • Everyone is more than welcome to help, propose or share Ideas with the BeJS team. You can contact us on :


Get in touch!