Cover Photo for BeJS #29 | Nuxt 2 to Nuxt 3 Migration : Hands-on Workshop

BeJS #29 | Nuxt 2 to Nuxt 3 Migration : Hands-on Workshop

Primary Photo for BeJS



Address available to attendees

We missed you this time around!

MEETUP #29 :

Hosted by MIRAHI

📆 Thursday September 14th, 2023

🕡 18.00

📍Av. Louise 120, 1000 Bruxelles (8th Floor - Mirahi-Lab)

🅿️Parking: Stéphanie Louise (Wiltchers) - Interparking - Av. Louise 83, 1060 Bruxelles (250m from Mirahi HQ)



- 18:00 Meet & greet

- 18:30 Nuxt 2 migration Nuxt 3

- 19:00 Deep dive: exercises

- 19:30 Food 🍕🌮🍺🥤

- 20:00 Continue exercises

- 20:45 Q&A + Social Time


A focused session on migrating from Nuxt 2 to Nuxt 3.

Dive deep into:

  • Setting up a New App: Kickstarting your Nuxt 3 journey.

  • Modules: Transitioning and integrating essential modules.

  • State Management: Strategies and practices for efficient data handling.

  • Components: Upgrading and leveraging the power of Nuxt 3 components.

  • Pages & Dependencies: Ensuring seamless navigation and dependency management.

  • Server Routes/Middleware: Adapting to new server-side paradigms.


Bring your laptop + charger


Jonathan Barthelemy : an early adopter of Nuxt and has collaborated closely with the Chopin brothers. With over a decade as a JS developer and an open-source contributor, he also boasts 6 years as a JavaScript trainer. Having hosted more than 150 workshops and talks, Jonathan has trained over 1,000 developers, showcasing his deep expertise and dedication to the tech community.

Boubacar S. Barry : Co-CTO of Mirahi, Bouba is an experienced technical lead with a vast range of technology tools and a deep understanding of the web development ecosystem. Prior to joining Mirahi, Bouba served as Architect Advisor for several large agencies / international brands. Bouba extends his deep technical knowledge with team training experience, including upskilling and coaching.

⚠️ Rules:

In order to provide you with the best experience possible, here are some rules to abide by so that everyone can enjoy the meetup :

  • This meetup has a limited attendee capacity of 25 people.

  • In order to attend you have to RSVP on Meetup

  • Members of the community who RSVP and then don't show up three times will be removed from the group. ( As we have limited capacity we would like to avoid people not being able to attend because others RSVPed YES and did not show up.)

  • Ifyou're not coming anymore please RSVP NO so that people in the waiting list can attend.

  • Everyone is more than welcome to help, propose or share Ideas with the BeJS team. You can contact us on : /

BeJS #29 | Nuxt 2 to Nuxt 3 Migration : Hands-on Workshop

Primary Photo for BeJS



Address available to attendees

MEETUP #29 :

Hosted by MIRAHI

📆 Thursday September 14th, 2023

🕡 18.00

📍Av. Louise 120, 1000 Bruxelles (8th Floor - Mirahi-Lab)

🅿️Parking: Stéphanie Louise (Wiltchers) - Interparking - Av. Louise 83, 1060 Bruxelles (250m from Mirahi HQ)



- 18:00 Meet & greet

- 18:30 Nuxt 2 migration Nuxt 3

- 19:00 Deep dive: exercises

- 19:30 Food 🍕🌮🍺🥤

- 20:00 Continue exercises

- 20:45 Q&A + Social Time


A focused session on migrating from Nuxt 2 to Nuxt 3.

Dive deep into:

  • Setting up a New App: Kickstarting your Nuxt 3 journey.

  • Modules: Transitioning and integrating essential modules.

  • State Management: Strategies and practices for efficient data handling.

  • Components: Upgrading and leveraging the power of Nuxt 3 components.

  • Pages & Dependencies: Ensuring seamless navigation and dependency management.

  • Server Routes/Middleware: Adapting to new server-side paradigms.


Bring your laptop + charger


Jonathan Barthelemy : an early adopter of Nuxt and has collaborated closely with the Chopin brothers. With over a decade as a JS developer and an open-source contributor, he also boasts 6 years as a JavaScript trainer. Having hosted more than 150 workshops and talks, Jonathan has trained over 1,000 developers, showcasing his deep expertise and dedication to the tech community.

Boubacar S. Barry : Co-CTO of Mirahi, Bouba is an experienced technical lead with a vast range of technology tools and a deep understanding of the web development ecosystem. Prior to joining Mirahi, Bouba served as Architect Advisor for several large agencies / international brands. Bouba extends his deep technical knowledge with team training experience, including upskilling and coaching.

⚠️ Rules:

In order to provide you with the best experience possible, here are some rules to abide by so that everyone can enjoy the meetup :

  • This meetup has a limited attendee capacity of 25 people.

  • In order to attend you have to RSVP on Meetup

  • Members of the community who RSVP and then don't show up three times will be removed from the group. ( As we have limited capacity we would like to avoid people not being able to attend because others RSVPed YES and did not show up.)

  • Ifyou're not coming anymore please RSVP NO so that people in the waiting list can attend.

  • Everyone is more than welcome to help, propose or share Ideas with the BeJS team. You can contact us on : /


Get in touch!