Cover Photo for BeJS #25  |  Developing WeWeb: VueJS Performance Optimization On A Large WebApp

BeJS #25 | Developing WeWeb: VueJS Performance Optimization On A Large WebApp

Primary Photo for BeJS



Address available to attendees

We missed you this time around!


BeJS#25 is hosted by LE WANGON Brussels

Bites & Drinks are provided by MALT

📆 Thursday April 6th, 2023

🕡 6.30 PM


LE WAGON - BeCentral


RSVP = push ATTEND🎟️


- 18:30 :

 Meets & Greets & 🍻🥪🥙

- 19.00 :

 Talk + Q&A + Chat + Networking & more 🍻🥪🥙

- 21.30 : Bye & see you next meetup...


Aurélie Violette is a 

JavaScript developer with a passion for frontend development.. Currently, she serves as Head of Front at WeWeb, where she leads a team of developers to build high-quality web applications. Prior to her role at WeWeb, she worked as a freelance developer specializing in Angular and Vue projects.

In addition to her professional work, Aurélie is an avid board game and trading card game player, using her programming skills to develop logistic software for tournaments. She also streams live code on Twitch in French and engages with the developer community on Twitter.

Originally from France, Aurélie now resides in Belgium and enjoys the freedom and flexibility of working remotely. She looks forward to sharing her insights and knowledge at this meetup.


While working on 

the WeWeb editor, we have to face many performance issues tied to the number of elements we are rendering and the high interactivity of the page.

This talk is a summary of the different tricks we used to improve the fluidity of our application. There will be some general guidelines but also advanced patterns for Vue applications.

A link to a demo website, the git repository and the slides will be available at the end of the talk.

🎟️ RSVP for Free = push ATTEND 🎟️

⚠️ Rules:

In order to provide you with the best experience possible, here are some rules to abide by so that everyone can enjoy the meetup :

  • This meetup has a limited attendee capacity.

  • In order to attend you have to RSVPonBeJS GUILD = Push ATTEND

  • Members of the community who RSVP and then don't show up three times will be removed from the group. ( As we have limited capacity we would like to avoid people not being able to attend because others RSVPed YES and did not show up.

  • Ifyou're not coming anymore please RSVP NO so that people in the waiting list can attend.

  • Everyone is more than welcome to help, propose or share Ideas with the BeJS team. You can contact us on :

BeJS #25 | Developing WeWeb: VueJS Performance Optimization On A Large WebApp

Primary Photo for BeJS



Address available to attendees


BeJS#25 is hosted by LE WANGON Brussels

Bites & Drinks are provided by MALT

📆 Thursday April 6th, 2023

🕡 6.30 PM


LE WAGON - BeCentral


RSVP = push ATTEND🎟️


- 18:30 :

 Meets & Greets & 🍻🥪🥙

- 19.00 :

 Talk + Q&A + Chat + Networking & more 🍻🥪🥙

- 21.30 : Bye & see you next meetup...


Aurélie Violette is a 

JavaScript developer with a passion for frontend development.. Currently, she serves as Head of Front at WeWeb, where she leads a team of developers to build high-quality web applications. Prior to her role at WeWeb, she worked as a freelance developer specializing in Angular and Vue projects.

In addition to her professional work, Aurélie is an avid board game and trading card game player, using her programming skills to develop logistic software for tournaments. She also streams live code on Twitch in French and engages with the developer community on Twitter.

Originally from France, Aurélie now resides in Belgium and enjoys the freedom and flexibility of working remotely. She looks forward to sharing her insights and knowledge at this meetup.


While working on 

the WeWeb editor, we have to face many performance issues tied to the number of elements we are rendering and the high interactivity of the page.

This talk is a summary of the different tricks we used to improve the fluidity of our application. There will be some general guidelines but also advanced patterns for Vue applications.

A link to a demo website, the git repository and the slides will be available at the end of the talk.

🎟️ RSVP for Free = push ATTEND 🎟️

⚠️ Rules:

In order to provide you with the best experience possible, here are some rules to abide by so that everyone can enjoy the meetup :

  • This meetup has a limited attendee capacity.

  • In order to attend you have to RSVPonBeJS GUILD = Push ATTEND

  • Members of the community who RSVP and then don't show up three times will be removed from the group. ( As we have limited capacity we would like to avoid people not being able to attend because others RSVPed YES and did not show up.

  • Ifyou're not coming anymore please RSVP NO so that people in the waiting list can attend.

  • Everyone is more than welcome to help, propose or share Ideas with the BeJS team. You can contact us on :


Get in touch!